
Creativity Exchange is an online community where school leaders, teachers and those working and interacting with schools can embed teaching for creativity and learn from each other

Explore our content

We’ll be sharing an inspiring range of content in the Ideas Hub to support you to think about how to develop teaching for creativity across the curriculum - including practical ideas, blogs, case studies and book reviews. So, make sure to bookmark the site to stay up to date with our latest research on the important role creative thinking plays in education.

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Connect with educators

Creativity Exchange also acts as a digital space for teachers, educators and school leaders to connect and share best practice. Keep the conversation going on Twitter using the hashtag and share the website with your colleagues.


Discover the Durham Commission

This project has been developed in partnership by Arts Council England and Durham University to explore in practice the Durham Commission's recommendations about the importance of teaching for creativity in schools.

You can download the Durham Commission Literature Review and the Second Report, which explores the impact of Covid-19 on the English education teaching and learning environment and the potential impact on teaching for creativity.

Find out more about the Durham Commission

Elementary School Classroom: Enthusiastic Teacher Holding Tablet Computer Explains to a Brilliant Young Children How Wind Turbines Work. Kids Learning about Eco-Friendly Forms of Renewable Energy

More about the Creativity Exchange